Unknown the Poet a.k.a. Wade Staark
Unknown the Poet is a man that loves to express himself through art. Based out of Los Angeles, California, his works are a result of his own experiences and emotions, fuelled further by inspiration from the world around him.
He writes with the hope that his words will reach as many hearts as possible, impacting the lives of his readers in a positive manner. Readers, who have since become friends.
With two books already released, "Life Isn't Perfect, Neither Is This Book" and "Piece By Piece", this author is well on his way to achieving his goals. Unknown the Poet joined the Magesoul Publishing team as a Home Author in 2019 and is a contributor to MSP's latest anthology "It Hurts". To find out more, please visit www.unknownthepoet.com where you can also purchase his books and merchandise.